
The use of jQuery

Overlay-like Effect with jQuery

 Today we will create a slick overlay effect with jQuery that does not use an overlay.

Fullscreen Gallery with Thumbnail Flip

 In this tutorial we will create a fullscreen gallery with jQuery. The idea is to have a thumbnail of the currently shown fullscreen image on the side that flips when navigating through the images. 

Making a Flickr-powered Slideshow

Today we will be developing a jQuery plugin that will make it easy to create slideshows, product guides or presentations from your Flickr photo sets. 

Converting jQuery Code to a Plugin

When it comes to efficiently organizing jQuery code, one of the best options is turning certain parts of it into a plugin. There are many benefits to this - your code becomes easier to modify and follow, and repetitive tasks are handled naturally. This also improves the speed with which you develop, as plugin organization promotes code reuse.

jQuery fancy Draggable Captcha

Tutorial about creating captcha with jQuery.

Rounded Menu with CSS3 and jQuery

In this tutorial we will create a menu with little icons that will rotate when hovering. Also, we will make the menu item expand and reveal some menu content, like links or a search box.

jQuery Advanced Ajax validation with CAPTCHA

One more tutorial about creating captcha with jQuery.

Populate Select Boxes

It's the age old (well, in webby terms) issue of how to populate one select box based on another's selection. It's actually quite easy compared with the bad old days, and incredibly easy with jQuery and a dash of Ajax. 

A Snazzy Animated Pie Chart with HTML5 and jQuery

Tutorial about creating animated chart with jQuery.

Spotlight: Constrained Stickies with jQuery

This tutorial will show you how to use stickyFloat plugin.

Fun with jQuery Templating and AJAX

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how jQuery's beta templating system can be put to excellent use in order to completely decouple our HTML from our scripts. We?ll also take a quick look at jQuery 1.5's completely revamped AJAX module.

Think Right-to-Left with jQuery

As English speakers, our minds are geared toward interpreting data and text from left-to-right. However, as it turns out, many of the modern JavaScript selector engines (jQuery, YUI 3, NWMatcher), and the native querySelectorAll, parse selector strings from right to left. 

Reveal extra form fields using a select box with jQuery

Sometimes we need to include a feedback form but without making it too obtrusive to the user so we only want to add options when he is actually using it. In this tutorial we're going to learn how to reveal hidden fields in a form when an option in a select combo box is selected using jQuery, the JavaScript library.

Add a character counter for the excerpt in WordPress

The excerpt is great for magazine sites where only a small bunch of words can be displayed on the home page. However, the lack of a character counting functionality for the field makes it hard to know how many you already typed in. In this tutorial we will learn how to easily add a character counter for the excerpt.

Featured posts slider in WordPress using sticky posts and jQuery

In this post we will learn how to create a featured posts section, using WordPress sticky posts and how to integrate them in a slider, using jQuery Cycle.

How to hide Personal Options in WordPress User Profile

Even though WordPress might not the friendliest CMS for user management, provides a good amount of customization for users meta information and profiles. However, one thing that is a bit rough right now is the Personal Options block in the User Pofile: you can't hide it by removing an action hook or even filter it. In this tutorial we?re going to learn how to removing it using jQuery.

Yahoo Instant Search with jQuery and Ajax

Tutorial about Yahoo instant search implementing with Yahoo Search Boss API using jQuery and Ajax. 

Gravity Registration Form with jQuery

Tutorial about creating animated login form.

Typing Game with jQuery

Tutorrial about creating simple game with jQuery.

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